Craniosacral therapy is a profound healing system based on subtle movement of the cranial bones, sacrum and cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebrospinal fluid is the purest substance in the body, in effect a liquid crystal. Paraphrasing Franklin Sills, ‘When divine intention enters the system it resides first in cerebrospinal fluid.
In my perception, It is the liquid light that streams and distributes the life force in the body. Blocks to this energy process are created from physical, emotional or spiritual dis-ease. Craniosacral therapy unblocks the flow of this energy by bringing awareness to that blockage and holding the space for it to release. It consists of gentle light touch on the body held for periods of time until the energy expands, releases, and flows. The effects are deeply relaxing and realigning. I integrate biodynamic and biomechanical craniosacral therapy into my own system of Spiral Energetic Healing™. |
"Dearest Tamara, I just want to express the gratitude I feel for you for sharing yourself and your sacred gifts with me. The work we did has finally shifted soooo many lifelong issues that I've been working on for many years. I truly feel like a new woman, or perhaps I've returned to myself. Even just saying I'm a woman is huge and I wholeheartedly feel it! You are a magical, graceful and gifted being and I feel incredibly blessed to have crossed paths with you. Even after our sessions I could feel your presence every now and then, perhaps to remind me of the shifts we made and I thank you for that. I would love to meet again in the future, whether in the States or via the internet once I am back in Australia. Muchos gracious, love and light to you Tamara."
- Ali, Student, Australia
Each 60 minute session includes a 30-minute integration session by phone,
to address any questions that may have arisen.
to address any questions that may have arisen.
*I am available for remote sessions via Skype or Messenger with the exception of the Crystal Bed Healing Therapy which must be an in person session.