The shaman acts as a bridge between our world of ordinary reality and the spirit world. The shaman enters non-ordinary reality through a shamanic journey in an altered state and travels to other realms to seek the assistance of spiritual beings for the benefit of the client in the form of healing, spiritual guidance, and protection. By creating sacred space and accessing the dimensions of the helping spirits, I assist you to heal aspects that are distorted or out of harmony, reintegrating parts of self to become whole, more fully embodied and aligned with spirit.
POWER ANIMAL RETRIEVAL We all have a spirit animal(s) to guide and protect us. Discovering and developing a relationship with your power animal is a powerful way to receive your own spiritual guidance and protection. I will make a shamanic journey to meet with your power and introduce it to you. SOUL PART RETRIEVAL In shamanic cultures, it is believed that parts of our soul can splinter off during times of illness, stress, accidents, surgeries, etc. The result can be symptoms like: feeling like you are not present or living your life fully, constant fatigue, frequent illnesses and more. People will often say things like, “I just haven’t felt the same since….” I retrieve these soul parts that have split off and bring them back into present awareness, integrating them into the mind-body, for an experience of greater embodiment and well-being. EXTRACTIONS OF ENERGETIC INTRUSIONS Removal of unwanted energies that may be causing disease or other interference in your life. PSYCHOPOMP (Assisting Spirit Transition) With the assistance of my helping spirits, I enable spirits that have not made the full transition to the other side to find their way. GENERAL HEALING I search for the spiritual origins of an illness or issue and bring back healing from a spirit being. This can take many forms: A song or dance, energetic bodywork guided by the helping spirit, a recommended herb or other therapies. It is specific to you and your needs.
Each 60 minute session includes a 30-minute integration session by phone,
to address any questions that may have arisen. |
*I am available for remote sessions via Skype or Messenger with the exception of the Crystal Bed Healing Therapy which must be an in person session.