Bathe yourself in crystal light, immersed in healing crystal vibration and color therapy. Designed by world-renowned Brazilian healer, John of God, the crystal light bed consists of 7 super clear natural quartz crystals that are suspended on arms over the body, one for each of the 7 major chakras (energy centers) of the body. Each specially carved crystal has the colored light frequency of that chakra, which radiates this healing vibration to cleanse, balance and recharge each chakra and the entire energy field at a deep level. The treatment is deeply cleansing on an energetic and cellular level. The high spirit beings that work with John of God come through to assist, effecting healing on all levels – mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.
You’ll recline on a massage table fully clothed with eyes closed while the lights play over your body, relaxing, clearing, recharging. Clients report going into blissful states of consciousness, visions, memories of past lives, connection with spirit guides, healing of old emotional patterns and physical healing, as well as feeling relaxed, cleansed, centered, rebalanced, energized, and renewed. I sit in a deep state of meditation during the session to hold the sacred space and enhance the healing. In this state, I receive information about your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being which I will share with you after the session. |
I would like to thank Tamara from the center of my heart for the healing I had with her in 2015. I had been struggling in regards to intimate relationships after my marriage ended 2.5 years earlier. When I met her, this inner issue had reached a point where I was scared to even go out on a date. I had a session with Tamara, which was first a healing on the crystal light bed, directly followed by a reading from Tamara. In short, Tamara talked directly to my Higher Self, which had some important things to share with me. What was shared literally changed my life. My higher self through Tamara, showed me the core issue in my life that had remained hidden and unknown and had negatively affecting all of my relationships in the past.
Tamara shared not only what the core issue was, but also how it came about in the very early years of my life. As she shared what my higher self told her, there was a deep knowing of truth in what she was saying. In our session, I saw that what was behind the core issue was all a misunderstanding, just a thought that my mind made out to be true in the very early years of my life. In seeing this, the core issue, the energy behind this false 'story of me' literally dissolved. As a result of my meeting Tamara, the core issue of my life was healed through awareness and I have been experiencing life from a completely new and higher perspective filled with peace and loving relationships. Bless you Tamara! - Steven, Business Consultant, Australia
Each 60 minute session includes a 30-minute integration session by phone,
to address any questions that may have arisen.
to address any questions that may have arisen.
*I am available for remote sessions via Skype or Messenger with the exception of the Crystal Bed Healing Therapy which must be an in person session.